An unnamed brother and sister cat duo from Japan have released a video that has set the snuggling world on fire. Experts are saying this might be the best snuggling demonstration in history.
“This is snuggling in its purest form,” said Ramon Wilson, a snuggling expert from Fordham University. “They are showing a mastery of the craft that is beyond anything I’ve seen. This is easily the best 21 seconds of snuggles on YouTube.”
The video, which has now been viewed over 9,000 times, is starting to make its way around academic circles.
“I’m already figuring out how to rearrange my syllabus so I can teach this in class,” said Amy Carrozzi, who teaches advanced snuggling at Radcliffe College. “Snugglers like this come along once in a generation. If you’re lucky.”
Though attempts have been made to identify the two cats in the video, no one has yet been able to successfully track them down.
Via guremike.
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