Just a week after the New York Times told the world via Twitter to add peas to their guacamole and the Internet had a collective freakout, the paper of record is at it again. This time, the paper’s Twitter account sent out a bizarre tweet this morning about putting a cherry on top of guinea pigs.
Obviously, this isn’t a recipe and the newspaper doesn’t expect us to eat guinea pigs – the link goes to an article in the Times Style section about avant-garde guinea pig fashion – but this is nonetheless a second strange tweet in as many weeks from the paper. The response has been predictably mixed.
“LOL, wut? No piggy I know would be caught dead wearing a cherry as a hat!!” tweeted noted guinea pig fashion expert, and Vogue contributor Miles Jones.
“I mean, I guess kind of cute. But what the heck, @nytimes?” responded Fashionista pets editor Tawny Chu.
Even President Barack Obama weighed in, tweeting: “@nytimes Love and respect you, but this just looks weird.”
We’re left wondering, who is running the social accounts at The New York Times these days?
Via kudostothepigs.
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