Rabbit Sleeps Through Alarm, Misses Interview
by Scott Friedstein, FluffPo Correspondent
His suit was pressed. His resume was printed. Gus the rabbit was going to ace that job interview – that is, if he had bothered to be awake for it.
“He slept right through his alarm,” says Corey Bortnick, a friend. “You know that rabbit who was late for a very important date? Well this was just like that – except the date was an assistant management position at Target.”
A notoriously heavy sleeper, Gus had unfortunately forgotten to turn up the volume on his iPhone alarm.
“He’d probably still be asleep if I hadn’t called him to ask how it went,” says Bortnick. “I guess that’s what he gets for scheduling an interview for three in the afternoon.”
At press time, Gus was looking into other options, which included a lower-paying retail position at H&M.
Via chitibang.
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