Puchi’s mobile devices were all working great. Her photos were synced. She loved using Instagram and Tumblr. And her weather app always notified her when it was time to stay in from the rain and snuggle.
That all changed on Wednesday when she got a little notification.
“It was nagging her to upgrade to iOS 9,” says Beth Malkoff, a friend of the connected pup. “I know she had been putting it off for a few weeks. But that notification wouldn’t go away.”
So she embarked on the upgrade. And it all went downhill from there.
“Suddenly, she couldn’t sync her photos with iCloud,” Malkoff tells The Fluffington Post. “Her phone was moving in slow motion, and she had all sorts of connectivity issues.”
The same was true for her iPad. After attempting a number of DIY fixes via Google, she eventually called in the big guns.
“I had to re-install the OS from scratch after backing up all her data,” says Winston Carlyle, an Apple Store employee who fixed Puchi’s devices at the Genius Bar. “I’m not sure what the issue was, but that did the trick.”