PHOTO OP: Ferret on a Sliiiiiiiiide
Via xMikelex24.
Your #1 source for FLUFFY ANIMALS.
Ferret Unemployment Hits Record High
New figures from the Department of Labor find that 100% of ferrets are now unemployed in the U.S. What’s more, none of them are actively seeking a job.
“They’re freeloaders, basically,” says Connor Jameson, an economist who studies ferret behavior at Yale University. “They’ll ride that gravy train to the end of the line.”
Via I Heart Ferrets.
Ferrets Have Trouble Finding Jeans that Fit, Too
We’ve heard numerous reports that cats have a terrible time finding good-fitting jeans. But according to a new study from the Animal Tailors Federation, it is actually ferrets that currently rank highest in dissatisfaction among animals when it comes to finding properly fitting pants.
“Their long, slender bodies are just really hard to design for,” said seamstress Alison Perkins, whose clothing alteration business in Brooklyn, NY has seen its ferret clientele triple over the past year. "Custom tailored is really the only way to go. Unfortunately, that’s cost prohibitive for most ferrets, so they end up buying brand name and coming to someone like me for alterations.“
Via iheartferrets.
Area Ferret Can’t Decide If He Wants to Nap Now or Later
Winston, a local ferret seen here sitting in his hammock, is reportedly having a devil of a time deciding if he should nap now or later. On the one hand, he’s already in his hammock and napping would be as easy as closing his eyes. On the other hand, Wheel of Fortune is about to start, and then it’ll be dinner time… so maybe it makes sense to nap later.
What to do… What to do…
Via ackey_73.
BREAKING: Ferret Escapes From Alligator Jaws
A ferret has leapt to safety from the jaws of a ravenous alligator, escaping what would surely have been a gruesome death.
Authorities on the scene report no injuries, and the alligator has been taken into cust…
UPDATE: The Fluffington Post has received word that it is in fact a plush alligator, and that the ferret willingly entered the jaws because it “seems cozy in there,” according to eye-witnesses.
We regret this error, and retract our previous report.
Via iheartferrets.