PHOTO OP: Afternoon Duckling Break
Via albertobastos.
Your #1 source for FLUFFY ANIMALS.
Market Analysts: Bird in Hand Now Worth 2.4 in Bush
Economists at Harvard University have published a paper noting a small uptick in the value of handheld birds as compared to those in the proverbial “bush.”
“For a long time, a bird in hand was worth two in the bush,” says Betsy Wenner, lead economic researcher at Harvard Business School. “But there are a number of market forces that have caused a shift over the last decade.” The economists agree that the average worldwide market value of a bird in hand is now 2.4 times that of a bush dwelling fowl.
The paper cites inflation, the 2008 housing crisis, and of course, China, as leading factors. The researchers are also quick to point out the volatility of niche bird markets, and do not advise anyone to make avian investments without first consulting an expert in your region.
Via oaklandEarthGirl.
Duckling Addresses Colleagues at BirdCon 2012
A duckling named Bombay was the keynote speaker at this year’s BirdCon. The conference/trade show is the premiere event for bird professionals, where fowl of all stripes can mingle, network and show off their wares.
Despite his youth, Bombay has had great success as a bird, and he shared key life lessons with his colleagues.
Via kattekwaad.
Ducklings Set to Explore the Backyard
Brave ducklings Vasco and Ferdinand are set to embark on a 3-month journey to the farthest reaches of the backyard. Their voyage, which is backed by a writ of passage from the Queen of Spain, will leave from the patio, make its way along the side fence to the bird bath and then follow the slate path to the pergola.
Their goal is to find a quicker land route to the vegetable garden.
Via Ian-S.